I have the pleasure of speaking at the 3D Gaming Summit in Universal City this week. I'll be on a panel Wednesday afternoon entitled "Creating State of the Art 3D Games: Lessons from the Field".
They've asked me to give a demo of EverQuest II which now supports NVIDIA's 3D Vision technology. EQII looks truly amazing in 3D. I'll also be talking about our experiences working with their API and covering some of the typical issues other game teams might encounter when working with this technology.
I'm excited to be speaking in front of a big crowd but I'm also a little nervous as well. I'll be demoing the game on live servers using a machine that I won't get to check out until Tuesday night. So, there's always the possibility of that random client crash in the middle of the demo, and that would be quite embarrassing. So cross your fingers for me and hope that everything goes smoothly. :)